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Science & ethics of syntheitic biology

w/the internationally recognized

staff of synthethics intiative

Starts August 29, 6-week course

Saturdays - 10AM to 11AM ET

Recommended age: 13+

For the first time in history, mankind can alter the blueprint of life. However, with such great power comes great responsibilities and a need for thorough ethical considerations before acting. This course will teach you about synthetic biology, a growing subfield of bio-technology which brings together the tools of genetic manipulation with engineering principles, as well as the ethical implications progress in the field entails.


During the weeks, accomplished global youth leaders and young researchers representing the international initiative, SynthEthics will come along and guide the participants in the maze of new-era biotechnology. Synthetic biology is one of those fields where it is best to get things right the first time because it might be the only

chance we get.



Erik Hartman is one of the founders of SynthEthics, student of biomedicine and biomedical engineering at Lunds University, Sweden. He was awarded the most prestigious award at the Sweden National Science Competition for Youth, 3rd award at Intel ISEF in 2018 and a gold medal at iGEM 2019.


Blanka Novák is one of the founders, organizer of the Global Ambassadors group via STEMPOOL at SynthEthics and host of the Drop the STEM podcast. She is a university student and researcher in Microbiology. Her project received First Prize at the Hungarian Innovation Youth Talent Contest, Bioeconomy Prize at EUCYS, 4th place at Intel ISEF 2019 and represented Hungary at SIYSS, attending the Nobel festivities.


Shaira Gozun as a student innovator has worked on team projects involving Acoustics and Bioluminescence, which led her to be a part of the Philippines team in international research competitions and meetings such as ISEF 2019, HKSSPC 2018, and ASA 178th meeting.


Lester Sabadao is a university student in Agricultural Biotechnology at The University of The Philippines - Los Baños. His team became finalists in plant science at Intel ISEF 2019, with their project on agricultural and biosystems engineering. He is also part of Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health and has competed in parliamentary debate nationals and discussions in community policymaking.


Bea Suavengco is an Agriculture student in the University of the Philippines - Los Baños who has been doing microbiology, plant pathology and biotechnology-related studies. She was a two-time gold medalist at the Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Expo in 2016 and 2017 and a finalist at ISEF 2019.


Jay Iyer is the founder and CEO of his non-profit organization, MIND Relief, a Research Science Institute (RSI) Scholar, a two-time ISEF finalist, and two-time National Science Bowl finalist, and a one-time National Science Olympiad finalist. He is a student researcher at Louisiana State University, specializing in neurobiology, chemical biology, and microbiology.


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student project:

Group project (2 members): creating a case-study on a specific significant scientific invention (primarily chosen from the course’s three major topics discussed on Week 2-4), highlighting its possible ethical implications and forming a risk-assessment model. Each group will present their project at the end of the course.


The best two group projects will have the opportunity to be featured in a special episode, a discussion night on the Drop the STEM podcast.


acquired skills:

• Soft skills: critical thinking, problem-framing and solving, analytical reasoning, adaptable intelligence, effective communication, collaboration

• Hard skills: research process, ethical decision-making, information literacy, organization of arguments



Week 1: Introduction to Synthetic Biology


Central Topics

• Week 2: Medicine and Gene-editing Technologies

• Week 3: Agricultural Biotechnology and Ecology

• Week 4: Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience


• Week 5: Q and A session with iGEM Team representatives

Explore more about how the mission of SynthEthics is closely tied with the International Genetically Engineered Machine Foundation and Competition in the SynthEthics brochure.


• Week 6: Presentation of Group Projects, End of Course

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